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- Always keep researching UFO and Full Disclosure topics
- Create fliers and burn DVDs to share (examples and downloads on
- Host discussion meetings, start a website and blog for the meetings and topics discussed
- Offer to speak and provide information to other organizations; create a speaker’s bureau
- Leverage social media, start a Facebook group or page for your group
- Start collecting many emails ( works) send full disclosure links to everyone
- Demonstrate, pass out fliers, books, business cards with links, and DVDs at military bases, parks and public areas, offices of military contractors, conferences, etc.
- Talk with, share materials, petition, your congressional representatives about Full Disclosure
- Start a Full Disclosure Project Newsletter or Newspaper
- Go to local events and festivals where you are permitted to have a table and pass out information, provide DVDs, CDs, T-shirts, business cards loaded with good links, etc.
- Create youtube videos on Full Disclosure and your local efforts, email FDI when you do
- Write a letter to the editor about UFOs, advanced technologies, secret space programs, corruption and the cabal, suppressed history, etc.
- Post fliers about your meetings on bulletins boards in order to attract more local people.
- Plan activism meetings or spend half an hour or so at one of your other meetings brainstorming things your organization can do to promote Full Disclosure so as to speed up the timeline
- Find out what other Full Disclosure organizations have been and are doing to share fliers, DVDs, posters, business cards and other ideas.
- Create some fun and creative street theater at which you can pass out fliers, CDs, DVDs, business cards and talk with people
- Join the ACLU and then you will be allowed to make a presentation to your local board; ask them to file a lawsuit against the advanced technology cover-up, the black projects, etc. on the basis of Full Disclosure
- Call in to talk shows
- Offer to talk on a local radio program about Full Disclosure, and the cover-up
- Have weekly meetings to watch disclosure related educational content with others
- Learn about replicated prototypes and develop overunity devices or other “impossible” technology to show others, work with others already involved in developing these technologies
- Raise your dietary vibration by creating a high vibration food event, promote health in order to maintain a high energy, well balanced team.
- Become more self-sufficient and educate others on the value of breaking down programming
- Follow your intuition, your bliss, your inner voice and research and teach how to better do this
- Host meetings for watching longer videos and documentaries, and then discuss them afterwards
- Create petition campaigns for local and national appeals
- Conduct group prayer and meditation events, and directed thought and silence as direct action
- Hold a contact meditation every month as part of global effort to connect with ETs
- Conduct a survey as part of developing better messaging. Ask people who follow disclosure related subjects and speakers what got them interested.